
What if we could better understand our own human social systems - the means by which we communicate and the patterns that govern us?  And what if we could appreciate the infinitely more complex systems that thrive in our natural world? Perhaps we could then see how we fit into a larger system in which our relationship to each other is not adversarial, but one of peaceful coexistence.

Woods work is conceived by harvesting data, discarded objects and images that create a new narrative in the context of environment and geo-political evolution. By engaging in this symbolic dialect of time, place, specific geo-political references she invites the viewer to trace their own associations and interpretations.

Her stories are told through photographs, drawings, sculptural structures, large abstract paintings and wall installations where color and form, destruction and beauty reign in an experience of aesthetic seduction and various languages.

Sue Wood is a visual and conceptual artist living and working in Nebraska.  Her work is featured in institutions and collections internationally.